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about the authors

Eva Lenartová

about the authors > Overview of the authors > Eva Lenartová

* 12. 8. 1959, Ostrava
novelist, publicist

She currently works for Czech Radio Ostrava as the director of the Office of Free Radio Production.

In the year 1988 Lenartová published her collection of stories Miluji tě, Adame (I Love You, Adam). Its main characters are adolescent girls, who must make their own decisions for the first time about their first loves, friendships or personal morals.

In subsequent years Lenartová has been devoting herself to the smallest readers and supplied the texts to the picture books and pop-up books, for example Veselé ovoce (Happy Fruit) (1992) (Ostrava : Librex), Dobrý den, sluníčko (Hello, Sunshine) (1995) (Ostrava : Librex), Hledej a povídej (Look and Talk) (1996) (Ostrava : Librex), Před usnutím (Before Bed) (1996) (Ostrava : Librex), Kolo, kolo mlýnské (Mill Wheel) (1998) (Ostrava : Librex), Tři prasátka (Three Pigs) (1998) (Ostrava : Librex).
She also translates children’s literature from Slovak.